Sunday, August 9, 2015

How to prepare for CA CPT ?

Preparing for CA CPT is not an easy task but it isn't impossible either, with the right attitude and dedicated hard work anyone with an average intelligence can crack this exam.
All you need is the right guidance and ability to work hard and keep your consistency.
Below are few guidelines that you should follow to better your chances at cracking CPT.
1. The Right mindset: Not just for cracking CPT or any other competitive exam, a right mindset is required to excel at almost anything. Most students think CPT as a tough competitive exam but in reality if prepared the right way it’s easy to crack. All you have to do is believe on your abilities and keep yourself motivated at all times.
2. Planning well: Nothing big has ever been achieved without a good plan. To crack CA CPT you have to have an elaborate plan encompassing your time schedules, syllabus completion and revisions. Creating a good and solid plan and consistently following it will keep things moving smooth and your course won't pile up. You will save a lot of time as there would be no room for procrastination. First of all, jot down a complete list of syllabus that you have to prepare, rate different topics on the basis of your interest and prior knowledge and start finishing the higher rated topics first.
This will give you immense confidence as you will see that a lot has been done already. The closer you get to your goal the more your motivation and the drive to succeed will increase. So plan solid and act on it, on a daily basis!
3. Preparing thoroughly: A thorough preparation is required to crack CPT. The paper covers four subjects’ viz. Fundamental of Accounting, Mercantile Laws, General Economics and Quantitative Aptitude. As the course is wide, a strong preparation is required. To do that the first step would be to gather complete study material, CA CPT notes, books etc. Try to get your hands on some sample papers so that you get an overall idea of what comes in paper and how to best answer it for maximum success.
4. Gather your resources: Often, students are baffled regarding what to study and from where, for a lot of competitive exam including CA CPT the course is very wide including topics from various subjects. Different students prefer different ways of preparation, while some take the aid of coaching institutes other prepare on their own. Coaching institutes often provide a lot of help as they provide readymade study material in the form of notes, lectures, assignments, CA CPT test series, study material.
The same benefits of regular coaching can also be reaped by joining an online course, joining an online course provides you all the benefits of regular coaching with the added advantages of time saving, 24*7 access to teachers and counselors, digital notes, video lectures, 2D and 3D presentations for better understanding, test series etc.
Students can also prepare on their own without any coaching aid but this is not advised as looking for different resources take up a lot of time and also leaves a lot of room for miss-information and errors. Also, students won't be able to get solutions to their problems quickly.
5. Revision: Perhaps the second most important thing after preparation in the list, revision is must to ensure that you transform your knowledge into marks in exam. Revision is required after you have completed each topic to transfer all that you have learned to your permanent memory. Take out one day from your week, weekends serve better, for revision of all that you have learned so far. Attempt new problems by using the new knowledge that you have gained in the week to learn effective implementation because this is the only thing that will translate your knowledge into successful clearing of the exam. Learn to implement your knowledge, find ways to make it better!
6. Preparing for the exam: Overlooked by most students, this crucial step is integral for successful execution of the exam, candidates prepare throughout the year but they don’t practice test papers enough and on the day of exam they get anxious and fail to deliver their best. This can be tackled by attempting a lot of test papers, mock tests in a quasi-exam environment.
To overcome this fear and anxiety you can also join an online test series wherein you will get enough exposure on how to effectively tackle the exam and will be graded on a national level, this way you can also track your position amongst the competition and alter your strategies accordingly.

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